X Dear Customers, our China warehouse /office will celebrate Chinese Spring Festival from Jan. 15th to Feb. 15th. In the meantime, we will only be able to send the UK stock products. Please contact our Customer Service Team at sales@justmae.co.uk before placing an order to avoid any delay. We thank you for your support. Wish you all the best !

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Wall Chargers

DIY Electrical Fittings 3 Way Mains Adaptor
Item Code : JU-62155 Weight : 130.00 g MOQ : 5 Units

DIY Electrical Fittings 3 Way Mains Adaptor. Detail: - Excellent used in Offices, kitchens, rooms, and other living areas where multiple electronic devices need to be connected. …


Wall Chargers

European Travel Adapter Plug UK 3 Pin Converter to EU 2 Pin Mains Switch Extension 2 Sockets
Item Code : JU-62156 Weight : 130.00 g MOQ : 5 Units

European Travel Adapter Plug UK 3 Pin Converter to EU 2 Pin Mains Switch Extension 2 Sockets. Details: - with 2 USB Ports - UK to EU Adapter - Holiday Prep Adapter 11.5cm Pack…


Wall Chargers

TH19 High Output 2.4A Dual USB UK Plug AC Power Adapter - Black
Item Code : JU-12201 Weight : 43.00 g MOQ : 10 Units

Features: 1. Top quality. 2. Dual USB ports can charge two phones at the same time. 3. Better charge one tablet at a time. 4. Short circuit and overload protection. 5. Switchi…


5V 1000MA USB Charger Adapter UK Plug for iPhone 5S 6 Plus Samsung - White 5V 1000MA USB Charger Adapter UK Plug for iPhone 5S 6 Plus Samsung - White

Wall Chargers

5V 1000MA USB Charger Adapter UK Plug for iPhone 5S 6 Plus Samsung - White
Item Code : JU-0457 Weight : 38.00 g MOQ : 10 Units Stock Qty:2588

Description: - USB main power plug, works and compatible with any iPhone and iPod Samsung. - Easy to takeaway perfect for home office holidays or any where because its small and …

£1.16 £1.69

Wall Chargers

TH19 High Output 2.4A Dual USB UK Plug AC Power Adapter - White
Item Code : JU-12200 Weight : 43.00 g MOQ : 10 Units Stock Qty:0

 Features: 1. Top quality. 2. Dual USB ports can charge two phones at the same time. 3. Better charge one tablet at a time. 4. Short circuit and overload protection. 5.…
