X Dear Customers, our China warehouse /office will celebrate Chinese Spring Festival from Jan. 15th to Feb. 15th. In the meantime, we will only be able to send the UK stock products. Please contact our Customer Service Team at sales@justmae.co.uk before placing an order to avoid any delay. We thank you for your support. Wish you all the best !

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Type-C to VGA

Type C to VGA Adaptor for MacBook Pro 2020-2016, MacBook Air 2020-2018, 900, Dell XPS 13, HP Spectre x2
Item Code : JU-58644 Weight : 27.00 g MOQ : 30 Units

Type C to VGA Adaptor for MacBook Pro 2020-2016, MacBook Air 2020-2018, 900, Dell XPS 13, HP Spectre x2. USB C to VGA Compatibility list Compatibility list for laptops(Not a full l…


Type-C to VGA

USB-C to VGA Adapter USB 3.1 Type C to VGA Male to Female Adapter for MacBook - Silver
Item Code : JU-30317 Weight : 30.00 g MOQ : 20 Units

USB-C to VGA Adapter USB 3.1 Type C to VGA Male to Female Adapter for MacBook - Silver. This adapter helps to connect your MacBook to any VGA-enabled display devices in up to 1080p…


Type-C to VGA

USB 3.1 Type-C to VGA HDMI 3.5mm Video Audio Adapter for Laptop
Item Code : JU-28888 Weight : 70.00 g MOQ : 5 Units

More USB-C VGA Adapter ★Multi-PORTS: 4K HDMI female + VGA female + 3.5mm audio+ Type C male. The best choice of 4K HDMI or VGA video over a single USB-C connection; USB typ…


Type-C to VGA

USB 3.1 Type C to VGA USB 3.0 Type C Female Charger Adapter Converter - Silver
Item Code : JU-28200 Weight : 70.00 g MOQ : 20 Units

More USB-C VGA Adapter ★VGA port: To stream video from laptop with usb c port to HDTV /Monitor/Projector with VGA port. Output: Video&Audio. VGA To VGA Cable is needed (Sol…
