X Dear Customers, our China warehouse /office will celebrate Chinese Spring Festival from Jan. 15th to Feb. 15th. In the meantime, we will only be able to send the UK stock products. Please contact our Customer Service Team at sales@justmae.co.uk before placing an order to avoid any delay. We thank you for your support. Wish you all the best !

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Smart Watch/Wristband

K80 Fitness Tracker Heart Rate Health Check Sleep Monitoring Wrist Band - Black
Item Code : JU-53765 Weight : 114.00 g MOQ : 10 Units

G16 Pro Main Function: - Exercise record (step counting, distance, calorie calculation), exercise mode, Temperature Monitor, message push, information storage, heart rate measureme…


Smart Watch/Wristband

M1 Smart Ultrasonic Physical Mosquito Repellent Bracelet Wristband - Black
Item Code : JU-48182 Weight : 59.00 g MOQ : 20 Units

Features: - Pure physical mosquito repellent, not chemical repellent, you can use it with confidence. - Environmental and health, the elderly, children, pregnant women and pets can…
