X Dear Customers, our China warehouse /office will celebrate Chinese Spring Festival from Jan. 15th to Feb. 15th. In the meantime, we will only be able to send the UK stock products. Please contact our Customer Service Team at sales@justmae.co.uk before placing an order to avoid any delay. We thank you for your support. Wish you all the best !

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R/C Toys & Accessories

DJ 9450 Self-locking Propeller (CW and CCW) - White
Item Code : JU-14932 Weight : 60.00 g MOQ : 20 Units

DJ 9450 Self-locking Propeller (CW and CCW) - White.These propellers feature fine workmanship and professional design, they are up to standard and with fluent lines. Feature: …


R/C Toys & Accessories

DJI Phantom 2 Propeller Props Guard Protector Bumper - White
Item Code : JU-14903 Weight : 77.00 g MOQ : 20 Units

DJI Phantom 2 Propeller Props Guard Protector Bumper - White. When hit wall,tree or others, as long as the propellers rotate, Phantom will always keep balance.It will stay in air i…


R/C Toys & Accessories

Heightened & Widened Landing Feet Mount for DJI Phantom Quadcopter - White
Item Code : JU-14902 Weight : 60.00 g MOQ : 20 Units

Heightened & Widened Landing Feet Mount for DJI Phantom Quadcopter - White. This Feet Mount is Higher and Wider than the original one on DJI Phantom Quadcopter. This feet mount fit…
