X Dear Customers, our China warehouse /office will celebrate Chinese Spring Festival from Jan. 15th to Feb. 15th. In the meantime, we will only be able to send the UK stock products. Please contact our Customer Service Team at sales@justmae.co.uk before placing an order to avoid any delay. We thank you for your support. Wish you all the best !

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Household Sundries

Pillar Candles 90 x 40mm Pack of 10 - Lime Green
Item Code : JU-74401 Weight : 600.00 g MOQ : 5 Units

Pillar Candles 90 x 40mm Pack of 10 - Lime Green. Details: - Pillar Candles - 90 x 40mm - Pack of 10 - Lime Green Packing list: 10 pcs x Candle


Household Sundries

50 pcs Tall Taper Candles Unscented Candle 250mm - Green
Item Code : JU-65060 Weight : 1000.00 g MOQ : 2 Units

50 pcs Tall Taper Candles Unscented Candle 250mm - Green. Description: - 50 Taper Candles - 250mm - Colours may vary slightly Specification: Material: wax Colour: green/blu…


Household Sundries

Electric Lint Fuzz Ball Remover USB Rechargeable 15.5 cm Fabric Shaver - Green
Item Code : JU-64553 Weight : 200.00 g MOQ : 5 Units

Electric Lint Fuzz Ball Remover USB Rechargeable 15.5 cm Fabric Shaver - Green. Description: - Equipped with a rechargeable battery that can be recharged with USB so you don’t ha…
