X Dear Customers, our China warehouse /office will celebrate Chinese Spring Festival from Jan. 15th to Feb. 15th. In the meantime, we will only be able to send the UK stock products. Please contact our Customer Service Team at sales@justmae.co.uk before placing an order to avoid any delay. We thank you for your support. Wish you all the best !

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11.5*21cm Clear Plastic Bag Resealable Aircraft Hole Hanging Packing Storage Bag - Red
Item Code : JU-28601 Weight : 5.00 g MOQ : 1000 Units

11.5*21cm Clear Plastic Bag Resealable Aircraft Hole Hanging Packing Storage Bag - Red. Hanging hook for easily displaying the data cable in your shop. Features: 1.Protect your c…



6*10cm White Clear Plastic Case Seal Reclosable Zipper Packing Bags
Item Code : JU-19611 Weight : 5.00 g MOQ : 200 Units

6*10cm White Clear Plastic Case Seal Reclosable Zipper Packing Bags. A great heleper for you to sort different vareities of things at home. Features: 1.With EURO hole design,al…
