X Dear Customers, our China warehouse /office will celebrate Chinese Spring Festival from Jan. 15th to Feb. 15th. In the meantime, we will only be able to send the UK stock products. Please contact our Customer Service Team at sales@justmae.co.uk before placing an order to avoid any delay. We thank you for your support. Wish you all the best !

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Wall Chargers

TH31-1U Foldable 18W QC3.0 USB A Fast Charging Mains Adapter for iPhone Samsung Mobile Tabet
Item Code : JU-69071 Weight : 58.00 g MOQ : 20 Units

TH31-1U Foldable 18W QC3.0 USB A Fast Charging Mains Adapter for iPhone Samsung Mobile Tabet. Description: - Support APPLE2.4A protocol, SAMSUNG 5V2.0A, SAMSUNG-AFC9V, HUAWEI…


Wall Chargers

TH31-PD Foldable 20W QC3.0 USB C Fast Charging Mains Adapter for iPhone Samsung Mobile Tabet
Item Code : JU-69072 Weight : 58.00 g MOQ : 20 Units

TH31-PD Foldable 20W QC3.0 USB C Fast Charging Mains Adapter for iPhone Samsung Mobile Tabet. Description: - Support APPLE2.4A protocol, PD 2.0/PD3.0, AFC9V, BC1.2, DCP, PPS,…


Wall Chargers

TH31 Foldable Dual USB Port UK Charger Adaptor- Black
Item Code : JU-12833 Weight : 60.00 g MOQ : 10 Units

Description: - Compact and lightweight design, convenient for traveling, you can charge anytime and anywhere. - Dual USB ports allow to charge 1 tablets at high speed, or…
