X Dear Customers, our China warehouse /office will celebrate Chinese Spring Festival from Jan. 15th to Feb. 15th. In the meantime, we will only be able to send the UK stock products. Please contact our Customer Service Team at sales@justmae.co.uk before placing an order to avoid any delay. We thank you for your support. Wish you all the best !

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Galaxy S20 Series Screen Protector

Narrow Edge Screen 3D Glass Protector Screen for Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra
Item Code : JU-47894 Weight : 55.00 g MOQ : 50 Units

Description: - 2.5D radian and have a comfortable hand feeling. - Easy to install, and it is bubble free. - Full covered design with precise cuts. Specification: 1. Material…


Galaxy S20 Series Screen Protector

Smooth Soft and Flexible TPU Film Screen Protector for Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra
Item Code : JU-47891 Weight : 10.00 g MOQ : 50 Units

Smooth Soft and Flexible TPU Film Screen Protector for Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra. Features: - Top Grade Protection - Made from high quality TPU and PET material that is scratch re…
