X Dear Customers, our China warehouse /office will celebrate Chinese Spring Festival from Jan. 15th to Feb. 15th. In the meantime, we will only be able to send the UK stock products. Please contact our Customer Service Team at sales@justmae.co.uk before placing an order to avoid any delay. We thank you for your support. Wish you all the best !

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Justmae is an online wholesaler focusing on UK operations. Our large wholesale range including mobile phone accessories, consumer electronics, car accessories, camera accessories, home & garden, beauty & makeup, game accessories, audio video, sports & outdoors, etc.

Furthermore we supply best selling items with very competitive price; we develop a range of wholesale clearance lines-FLASH DEALS that customers have come to love. We occasionally offer substantial discounts in our hot deals promotion to bring a pleasure of shopping for our valuable customers.

We are a local company in the UK, we have a professional purchasing team located in mainland China. We buy large quantity of products and deal directly with manufacturers and major suppliers to get the best purchase prices and to minimizing intermediary costs and avoid costly middlemen, therefore our amazing best prices help to save you more money.


The Justmae team is a group of people with a passion for ecommerce, we dedicate to dig for quality products, and have the excellent product developments those with an eye for awesome products! We strive on finding more first hand source on very competitive price to help all range of customer form businesses, shop owners and individual’s buyers can derive a benefit from our best prices.


Variability Products
Justmae takes advantage of benefits of excellent product development team and continuously introduce products with state of the marketable, reliable quality and unbeatable price to satisfy customers' demand.

Justmae also value customer's product introduction, and welcome you to send message to us if found the item you like is not listed in the website. We will take over your suggestion and update the product on the site if all is possible.

Merit-based Stocking
Based on our market research and website sales feedback, we carries out inventory management by using rationing or periodic stock for different sku. Items with good sales figures or that we believe have potential will be allocated more stock to our Manchester warehouse.

High Quality, Money Back in 10 Days
We have technical quality check department settled, the products are strictly checked one by one in our warehouse before sending. For most items, you can send it back to us for a refund or item exchange within 10 days of receiving it. Return shipping reimbursement is not available for this.

Frequent and Extensive Discounts 

To thank customers, we often provide a variety of offers to save you money. Max to 45% off.

Anytime, Anywhere

Justmae dedicates to providing marketable products to consumers UK. Justmae always hold customer's opinions close to its core; prioritize consumer demand, and wish to forge close relationships with customers.

Wish you a seamless buying experience with our dedicated online ordering platform.